Vaidik Dharma is the Oldest of living religion. The etymological meaning of religion is “that which binds together”. Vaidik means pertaining to Veda or perfect knowledge.

Vaishnav Dharma is one of the major branches of Hinduism with focus on veneration of Supreme Lord ‘NARAYAN’. Vaishnavs believe that Narayana is the Supreme being & is foundation of all existence. He is inherent in each living being. Its beliefs practices, is and the concept of Bhakti are based on Upnishads, Vedas & Puranic texts like Bhagavad Gita Padma Puran, Vishnu Puran & Bhagavad Puran.

This is a path for people to become free from cycle of repeated birth & death. Saints like Sri Nathmuni, Sri Yamunacharya, Sri Ramajunacharya etc. have guided in Srivasisthadvait Siddhanta. They have given us absolute prupose of life – “Surrender into Supreme Lord SRIMAN NARAYANA”.

“Sarva Dharman parityajya,

mamekum Shvarnam Vraya.

Ahvam tvam Sarva Papebhyo

moksha ishyami mam Shuchan”

Vasishtadvaita – Vedanta is for those who conscious of separation, and longing for union with Supreme, feel the necessity for an object of Worship & devotion and find it in conception of Saguna-Brahm.

Sri Sampradaya propagate chanting in Kaliyug of the holy name of “Sriman Narayan”. Mere chanting can liberate from bondages of Maya & develop pure love for the Supreme Lord.

Sri Sampradaya is also named so after Goddess Lakshmi also Known as Sridevi the consort of Lord Narayan. On request & prayer Sriman Narayan gave the mantra to Sridevi as she sought a path for the lost children (mankind) to comeback into her fold. She then gave this mantra to Vishwakshen who then initiated Narada.

Vaishanavs  follow a process of initiation (Diksha) given by a GURU under whom they are trained to understand Vaishnav practices. At the time of initiation the disciple is given a Specific Mantra for chanting (jap). This process of initiation is considered a new birth for a disciple and is a chance to redeem themselves from past misdeeds.

Vaishnavs mark their forehead with a Tilak which is distinctive of different Siddhanta.

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